Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Johnny O'Neal: U.S. Army All-American Bowl Announcement 10/3/12 @ West Laurens High School

Westside (Macon) @ West Laurens: The Battle for the Top Spot- Final Score Westside 21- West Laurens 6

This past Friday night two of the top teams in the Region of 2AAAA sqaured off at the Shoe. Westside (Macon), coming in with multiple Div. I prospects, 26 seniors, and the #7 offense in the state (scoring an avg. of 46pts per game in their first 4 games) definately looked like the team to beat if you want to win this region this year. Of course West Laurens, was coming in with one of the stingiest defenses in middle Georgia. The battle would take on a very simple theme; maintain field position, eliminate the big play, and DON'T shoot yourself in the foot with penalties and turnovers.

Well, it took until the 2nd quarter for the biggest of those no-no's reared its ugly head. The first play of the 2nd period of play was a punt by West Laurens; that was where West Laurens gave up thier first big play of the night, which turned out to be a 62 yard punt return for a touchdown to Westside. That would make the score 7-0. Both teams swapped body blows and big hits for the rest of the quarter. Then, Reggie Mack set the RAIDER NATION on fire. Westside had battled their way down inside the five yard line with only seconds to go in the half. After the Raider "D" denied first and second down attempts at the endzone by Westside, with only 2 seconds and one yard to go on third down the seminoles lined up in the "I" formation for the first time all night. Dotting the eye would be the same #7 for Westside that took a punt back for a touchdown almost fifteen minutes earlier.

Here come the snap, and out came the ball on a toss sweep around the left edge of the offense. It quickly became very clear that this was going to be a two man race to the pilon. Westside's #7 and Reggie Mack moved in a dead spring toward the front pilon that ended with a dive towards the orange marker by both. Reggie Mack would be able to turn away the Westside ball carrier to keep the game at 7-0 Seminoles!

The second half would start with a promising possesion for West Laurens that would ultimately wind up with no points. That would open the door for a second touchdown strike on a 25 yard pass for Westside.

The Raiders would get on the board in the at the 9:30 mark of the 3rd quarter with a 21 yard touchdown pass from Garrel Quainton to Travasier Mitchell; the PAT was no good. The RAIDER NATION was back in the ball game with plenty of time left in the game to go. The Raider "D" would step up big again in the 3rd quarter when Keyon Taylor knocked a knocked an already possessed ball for a touchdown out of a Westside reciever's hands in the back corner of the endzone. That would lead to another big play by Johnny O'Neal and Travosier Mitchell in the fourth. After getting outstanding pressure on the Westside QB (just as Johnny had been doing all night), the seminole QB threw a ill-advised fly route which Mitchell picked off and returned to just at midfield.

This would set up the potential scoring drive for the Raiders. Garrel Quainton would lead the Raiders (now with under 5 minutes on the fourth quarter clock) inside the 30 of the seminoles. It was there, that under great pressure, Garrel would stand in the pocket and attempt to hook up with a Raider defender in the endzone on a skinny post route. Unfortunately though, the backside pressure would get to Garrel just in time to hit him as he released the ball that would get intercepted and lead to the final score of the night for Westside. The final score of 21-6 doesn't really reflect the battle that took place last Friday; but it does set up what should be hopefully a great rematch in the playoffs.


Monday, September 24, 2012

Rutland @ West Laurens...14-7 RAIDER NATION WINS!

Dublin @ West Laurens...The Rivalry continues...WLHS wins 42-0. The Greatest Win.

West Laurens @ Bleckley...A Border County Rivalry. WLHS wins 10-7 in OT

Bleckley County field
The cheerleaders making ready for the teams to take the field

West Laurens Cheerleaders

The Player of the week trophy provided by FAIRVIEW MEDICAL GROUP ORTHOPEADICS
Dr. Richter and Dr. given away at the end of every game to a deserving Raider.


Player of the week vs. Bleckley Co.;
Freshman place kicker Bill Leroy. He had a 22yd game winning kick to give the Raiders thier first win of the season.

RAIDER NATION on the road for the first time in 2012
The Raider Nation would go on the road in week two to take on a border rival, Bleckley County. This game was touted as a measuring stick game by many, as the Royals had a talented team and would be at home playing the young Raider team just lost an exhausting overtime game the week before. After the first offensive play by Bleckley county it looked like those many people talking might be right. The Royals quarterback took a naked bootleg 63 yards for a touchdown for a early lead and what could have been an early knock out blow for the RAIDER NATION. The actual reaction to that play though, would be much different than that of past Raiders teams. The Raider defense wouldn't allow the Royals another 40 yards of offense for the rest of the game. The Raiders would overcome missing players and injury to work thier way into their second overtime game of the season. That's where the specials teams would show some improvement and turn out to be the difference on the scoreboard. Freshman kicker Bill Leroy gave the RAIDERS thier first win of the season on a 22 yard FG in overtime.

Vidalia @ West Laurens. WLHS loses 21-14 in OT thriller.

The season opener for West Laurens came at home verses a ranked opponent from the "AA" classification; #10 ranked Vidalia. This opening game of the season turned out to be just what you might expect. There were butterflies that equaled penalties, BIG hits, and special team mis-cues. What we got that you wouldn't have probably banked on was the overtime.

With the clear cool air of night came the lights and energy of Horseshoe stadium in Dexter. Opening night was finally here. A worthy opponent in Vidalia, this game was expected to be interesting and it certainly lived up to its billing. The sometimes referred to "hidden" part of the game turned out to be what would determine this nights outcome. First though, lets recap the rest of the game with broad strokes. Both offenses came out and sputtered a bit as you might expect. There were some game speed errors that were made, a couple of turnovers that three weeks later you'd hope never to see, and two defenses that were ready to hit someone else for a change. West Laurens however would also experience an injury and a late game ejection.

The high intensity football delighted fans from both sides of the stadium, the ups and downs...emotionally draining. All summer long the coaches preach the little things, on this night all those little things were magnified. The bands played loud and proud, the fans glistened in the last of summers' sweat. They cheered and yelled in full throat as the game dwindled down through four quarters to a 14-14 tie at the end of regulation.

The coaches had drawn conclusions that on this night though there would be no tie. The rules clearly state that in non-region play the teams must decide to play overtime and both coaches had chosen to have a fate seperate from the other on this opening night.

Special teams. The "hidden", sometimes overlooked element of the game would find it's way into the spotlight on this night. Early in the night after using the punting game to thier advantage, West Laurens would have thier hands firmly on the throat of their Indian opponent. After pinning Vidalia back inside thier own ten yard line, the defense of the RAIDER NATION had a loss and a gain on the very same play. Great defensive pressure would cause a turnover that in seconds gave the Raiders the ball and took away a starting junior defensive lineman. Penalties later, the Raiders would miss a chip shot field goal.

The teams exchanged blocked punts, and later the Indians would again circle their special teams' wagons with a blocked fieldgoal.

Back to the overtime. The Raiders would win the extra period coin-toss and elect to put a formidable but emotionally drained defense on the field first. Vidalia scores. 21-14 Indians lead. West Laurens would have thier shot now and it would be simple. Match the Indians or lose. First down, short gain. Second down, a pass to the back corner of the end zone slips through the hands of one of the Raiders' best, incomplete. Third down, the Indians bring pressure and the Raiders sophomore QB takes the "you can't take a sack here" sack. Now game one is down to this. Fourth and eighteen. The Raider Nation, on it's feet...the Indians faithful on the edge of thier seats...the snap, the pass, the first down if it's completed throw...the referee runs in and motions...incomplete. Jubilation and disappointment. Heavy, wet, and tired. Cool, elated, victorious. Two different reactions to one incomplete pass.

Maybe that night was about more than special teams, or maybe it was all about two special teams. Well see. One things for sure, it was a special opening night of football that two teams will not soon forget.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Cross-County Rivalry: WLHS vs. ELHS 8.16.12

The RAIDER NATION would kick off thier 2012 season with a very familiar foe in the Falcons from East Laurens hosting a pre-season "scrimmage" game. Though the word scrimmage couldn't be used any more loosely. These cross county rivals would line up to play best on best in a real game atmosphere for all sixty minutes. As it turns out, we'd need all sixty of those minutes before we would decide a winner in Laurens county's first football action of the year; East verses West.

With the Falcons playing host on this sticky, muggy August night, the opening kick would go to the Raiders. Early on the nerves would show. West Laurens took their opening drive and turned it over on downs with a failed fourth down conversion attempt. The Falcons wouldn't keep the pigskin long though; the second offensive series of the night led to the first Falcons turnover of the on the first Falcon drive of the season. But my how quickly this rivalry would turn bitter for starting sophomore quarterback Garrel Quainton of the Raiders. Quainton's second drive of the night ended with a 72 yard interception returned for a touchdown with 7:30 to go in the 1st quarter. WLHS 0 - ELHS 6.

Gerald Carr, senior running back for the Raiders (and the nights recipient of the Fairview Medical Group Orthopaedics player of the week trophy) made his presence known on the Raiders third possession of the night. Carr worked inside the tackles of the Raider offensive line all night and set the tone for what would become the focus of the Raider attack for the rest of the night. I only took the WLHS offense 2:53 to push the ball down the field and set up a 1 yard touchdown run by Carr. With the PAT, the Raiders had thier first lead of the season according to the scoreboard, WLHS 7 - ELHS 6.

On the Falcons next possession, the Raiders defense would give up a quick strike of thier own. Falcon running back (#22) took a sweep around the left end down the Raider sideline for a 52 yard touchdown run. This came at the 1:45 mark in the first quarter. A two-point conversion made it WLHS 7 - ELHS 14. After a WLHS punt, the Falcons would commit thier second fumble of the night which the Raider defense would recover. Big blue wouldn't be able to capitalize though, the offensive series would end on another fourth down attempt that wouldn't convert.

The second half of the second quarter would see the Falcon offense methodicaly move the ball down the field. Then, with 4:01 left in the first half the Falcons would make good on a five yard "Tim Tebow like" short toss for the touchdown completion to go up by two touchdowns WLHS 7 - ELHS 21. The Raider offense would get the ball back with time to go in the half; but Garrel Quainton's second INT would come on a pass that skipped through the hands of senior tight end Evan Penney. The Raider defense would put a stop to what looked to be another Falcons attempt at points when senior linebacker Johnny O'Neal recorded his first sack of the night by punishing the Falcon quarterback as time expired on the first half of play.

The second half of football saw the fatigue of the early season and a humid night play havoc as neither team would accomplish anything in the third quarter of play. With the fourth quarter though new life would breathe into the Raider offense as the constant attack on the Falcons interior defense started to pay off. Gerald Carr and junior running back Nick Turner would beat the black and gold back into a one touchdown game. Nick Turner got his first score of the season at the 8:45 mark on a four yard touchdown plunge. WLHS 14 - ELHS 21.

Here's where the game would get interesting. On the next Falcon possession the Raider defense would flip the field and again see a highlight reel type play from their defensive leader. On a fourth and twelve attempt to convert by the Falcons, Johnny O'Neal shined. The Falcons offense went back to their bread and butter offensive play of the night, the sweep play from that wing "T" set. Johnny O'Neal read the play out, demolished the lead blocker and walked Falcon running back (#22) down and made a first down (and game ending) saving tackle. This would ultimately position the Raider offense to tie this game up when the unthinkable would happen. Senior running back Gerald Carr fumbled the football back to the Falcons near the midfield stripe.

The Raider defense would again turn the tide at Falcon field though; only two plays later the Raider defense had stripped the football and given it right back to Garrel Quainton and the Raider offense who at this point started to find some rhythm. Garrel, while running the hurry up offense had found his groove with the football. He wold make two high quality completed, and one was dropped down inside the Falcon twenty. Sophomore quarterback Garrel Quainton would show off his natural abilities and command of the hurry up offense on this final drive as he converted first downs twice and used the ol' "clock" play to perfection. Now, with no timeouts and roughly 25 yards to go to tie the game, Garrel's first down pass attempt fell incomplete. Second down was a near disaster. Garrel faked left, then half rolled right with pressure. The Falcons caught a huge break when a defensive lineman managed not to sack, but to push Garrel just enough to make his lose his balance and ten yards on the play. With the clock running and under a minute to go third down was again the clock play. This set up the final play for the Raider offense. Through the thick muggy night, through the miscues, through it all it would come down to this. Quainton would set up in the shotgun and call for the ball. Flushed to his left Garrel would buy some time and then we all saw it; a crossing Raider receiver broke open running toward the Falcon sidelines and right at the goal line. With a flip of the wrist the ball sailed through the air and looked as if it would carry the Raiders to salvation. But then as the diving Falcon defensive back, the Raider receiver, and the ball fell to the ground the referee wiped all hope away. Incomplete. Then with one final snap, the Falcons of East Laurens celebrated at falcon field. WLHS 14 - ELHS 21.

All in all, it was exactly what you'd expect from a cross county rivalry...and a great point to teach from for RAIDER NATION head coach Stacey Nobles. They blue and white gathered together, and prayed together. Coach Nobles delivered his message with conviction. Yes, the game was just a scrimmage, but for all these young men involved, it was history.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Are you ready RAIDER NATION?

Friends of the Raider Nation good afternoon. Last week we visited WLHS just in time to catch all of the cheerleaders working hard as they get ready for the upcoming sports seasons. They were kind enough to get together with us and give us some word of encouragement as we get ready for Raider football on 104.9fm. Click the video link to the right of the blog to hear all the WLHS cheerleaders getting pumped up for this football season on "The Raider Nation Football Station" 104.9fm!

Thanks to all the cheerleaders and a special thanks to the cheerleading coaches staff for letting us interrupt!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Welcome to All Access Middle Georgia! THE prep sports information blog for middle Georgia and delivered by The Raider Nation football station 104.9fm!

Hello RAIDER NATION and all other friends of high school football in middle Georgia. This blog is designed to update weekly Thursday - SAT with high school football breaking news coaches, and players extended interviews. We'll also link to information for scores and other state-wide high school football coverage and information. These extended interviews will come from the soundbites you'll hear weekly during our high school football "Region Round-Up" on Y96 (95.9fm) each friday morning at 7:35am; then again in the afternoon drive home!

We'll also provide the interviews from each "Player of the week" that will be chosen after each game. This player will be provided with an award and their post game interview can be found here on Saturdays! As the season progresses we'll look to interact fully with our audience across all platforms. Follow us on twitter, listen to the WLHS Raider football broadcasts on 104.9fm beginning at 7pm every Friday, or online at! Check back in for more information soon!